
The Property

Featured Properties

Discover our curated selection of premier Featured Properties, offering exceptional quality, value, and potential.

Residencial 5 Marla Plot

Our 5 Marla plots offer an ideal space for building your dream home, combining affordability with excellent location and investment potential at Rose Royal Residencia

Unit Detail

The Property

Other Properties

Residential 7 Marla Plot

RS 25,00,000

Our 7 Marla plots provide ample space and prime positioning, perfect for those seeking a comfortable, high-value investment at Rose Royal Residencia.

Commercial 01

RS 45,00,000

Our Commercial 01 plots are strategically located for maximum visibility and growth, ideal for businesses seeking a thriving community hub at Rose Royal Residencia.

Commercial 02

RS 60,00,000

Our Commercial 02 plots are strategically located for maximum visibility and growth, ideal for businesses seeking a thriving community hub at Rose Royal Residencia.

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